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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Some Examples of Verilog testbench techniques.

Some Examples of Verilog testbench techniques.

1.0 Introduction

2.0 Generating Periodic Signals

3.0 Generating and Receiving Serial Characters

4.0 Memories

5.0 Bus Models

1.0 Introduction

A testbench is a verilog program that wraps around an actual design.

The testbench is typically not part of the design and does not result

in actual circuitry or gates. Verilog code for testbenches may be

much more "free style" than Verilog code that must be

synthesized - anything goes. Here are some tidbits from various

projects I've worked on. The code is not completely general nor

perfect, but hopefully may provide ideas for designers just starting

out with testbench design. Oh, and the names have been changed

to protect the innocent. I hope I haven't introduced error in

doctoring up these examples. Again, none of the following code

is intended to be synthesizable!

2.0 Generating Periodic Signals.

Say you have a period signal. Try tossing in a little random fluctuation

on where the edges occur - you may catch a an unexpected bug!

But, be careful about using random because if you move on to

manufacturing test, then your testbench may not be deterministic.

Often, for the sake of the tester, you must enforce transitions to

occur in specific periods. In this case, you may need to add

statements that delay changes to fall in these periods. Anyway,

let's drive the foo1in signal. We'll add in some random, count

the transitions and print out a message.

initial begin

#1 foo1in = 0;

forever begin

#(`PERIOD/2 + ($random % 10)*(` PERIOD/20)) foo1in = 1;

foo1_input_count = foo1_input_count + 1;

$display ("#Foo1 rising edges = %d", foo1_input_count);

#(` PERIOD/2 + ($random % 10)*(` PERIOD/20)) foo1in = 0;



Here's another code snippet - a task that generates a period message..

task generate_syncs;
event send_sync;
syncdata = SYNC_START;
syncstb = 0;

// Generate periodic event for sending the sync
forever #(1000000000.0 * RATE) ->send_sync; // convert RATE to nanoseconds

// Wait on send_sync event, and then send SYNC synchronized with clk
forever begin
syncdata = syncdata + CMTS_FREQ * CMTS_RATE;
$display ("... SYNC = %h at time %0t, Local Time = %h", syncdata, $time, local_time);
@(posedge clk) #1;
syncstb = 1;
@(posedge clk) #1;
syncstb = 0;

3.0 Generating and Receiving Serial Characters

Say your design inputs or outputs serial characters. Here is some

code for both. First, some defines:

/* Serial Parameters used for send_serial task and its callers. */

`define PARITY_OFF 1'b0

`define PARITY_ON 1'b1

`define PARITY_ODD 1'b0

`define PARITY_EVEN 1'b1

`define NSTOPS_1 1'b0

`define NSTOPS_2 1'b1

`define BAUD_9600 2'b00

`define BAUD_4800 2'b01

`define BAUD_2400 2'b10

`define BAUD_1200 2'b11

`define NBITS_7 1'b0

`define NBITS_8 1'b1

Here's how you call it:

send_serial (8'hAA, `BAUD_9600, `PARITY_EVEN, `PARITY_ON, `NSTOPS_1, `NBITS_7, 0);

Here's a task that sends a character.

task send_serial;

input [7:0] inputchar;

input baud;

input paritytype;

input parityenable;

input nstops;

input nbits;

input baud_error_factor;

reg nbits;

reg parityenable;

reg paritytype;

reg [1:0] baud;

reg nstops;

integer baud_error_factor; // e.g. +5 means 5% too fast and -5 means 5% too slow

reg [7:0] char;

reg parity_bit;

integer bit_time;


char = inputchar;

parity_bit = 1'b0;

case (baud)

`BAUD_9600: bit_time = 1000000000/(9600 + 96*baud_error_factor);

`BAUD_4800: bit_time = 1000000000/(4800 + 48*baud_error_factor);

`BAUD_2400: bit_time = 1000000000/(2400 + 24*baud_error_factor);

`BAUD_1200: bit_time = 1000000000/(1200 + 12*baud_error_factor);


$display ("Sending character %h, at %0d baud (err=%0d), %0d bits, %0s parity, %0d stops",

(nbits == `NBITS_7) ? (char & 8'h7f) : char,



(nbits == `NBITS_7) ? 7 : 8,

(parityenable == `PARITY_OFF) ? "NONE" : (paritytype == `PARITY_EVEN) ? "EVEN" : "ODD",

(nstops == `NSTOPS_1) ? 1 : 2


// Start bit

serial_character = 1'b0; // Start bit.


// Output data bits

repeat ( (nbits == `NBITS_7) ? 7 : 8) begin

serial_character = char[0];


char = {1'b0, char[7:1]};


if (parityenable == `PARITY_ON) begin

parity_bit = (nbits == `NBITS_7) ? ^inputchar[6:0] : ^inputchar[7:0];

if (paritytype == `PARITY_ODD)

parity_bit = ~parity_bit; // even parity

serial_character = parity_bit;



serial_character = 1'b1; // Stop bit.


if (nstops) // Second stop bit




Here's a task that receives serial characters. This particular task was

a bit messy in that it set some global variables in order to return a

status, etc. By all means - fix this up the way you like it!

reg [7:0] receive_serial_character_uart1; // Global that receives tasks result




task receive_serial_uart1;

input baud;

input paritytype;

input parityenable;

input nstops;

input nbits;

reg nbits;

reg parityenable;

reg paritytype;

reg [1:0] baud;

reg nstops;

integer bit_time;

reg expected_parity;


receive_serial_result_uart1 = 0;

receive_serial_character_uart1 = 0;

case (baud)

`BAUD_9600: bit_time = 1000000000/(9600);

`BAUD_4800: bit_time = 1000000000/(4800);

`BAUD_2400: bit_time = 1000000000/(2400);

`BAUD_1200: bit_time = 1000000000/(1200);


receive_serial_result_uart1 = `RECEIVE_RESULT_OK; // Assume OK until bad things happen.

@(negedge uart1out); // wait for start bit edge

#(bit_time/2); // wait till center of start bit

if (uart1out != 0) // make sure its really a start bit

receive_serial_result_uart1 = receive_serial_result_uart1 | `RECEIVE_RESULT_FALSESTART;

else begin

repeat ( (nbits == `NBITS_7) ? 7 : 8) begin // get all the data bits (7 or 8)

#(bit_time); // wait till center

// sample a data bit

receive_serial_character_uart1 = {uart1out, receive_serial_character_uart1[7:1]};


// If we are only expecting 7 bits, go ahead and right-justify what we have

if (nbits == `NBITS_7)

receive_serial_character_uart1 = {1'b0, receive_serial_character_uart1[7:1]};


// now, we have either a parity bit, or a stop bit

if (parityenable == `PARITY_ON) begin

if (paritytype == `PARITY_EVEN)

expected_parity = (nbits == `NBITS_7) ? (^receive_serial_character_uart1[6:0]) :



expected_parity = (nbits == `NBITS_7) ? (~(^receive_serial_character_uart1[6:0])) :


if (expected_parity != uart1out)

receive_serial_result_uart1 = receive_serial_result_uart1 | `RECEIVE_RESULT_BADPARITY;

// wait for either 1 or 2 stop bits


else begin

// this is a stop bit.

if (uart1out != 1)

receive_serial_result_uart1 = receive_serial_result_uart1 | `RECEIVE_RESULT_BADSTOP;


// that was cool. if 2 stops, then do this again

if (nstops) begin


if (uart1out != 1)

receive_serial_result_uart1 = receive_serial_result_uart1 | `RECEIVE_RESULT_BADSTOP;







4.0 Memories

Memories, whether they are RAMs, ROMs or special memories like FIFOs

are easily modeled in Verilog. Note that you can define your own special

testbench locations for debugging! Say, you have a processor core hooked

up to these memories. Define some special locations that when read or

written to, display diagnostic messages. Or, you can specify that a write to

a particular location will halt the simulation or signify PASS or FAIL.

Memories are an easy way for the embedded Verilog core processor to

communicate to the testbench. There are many possibilities.

reg [15:0] FLASH_memory [0:(1024*32 - 1)]; // 32K of FLASH

reg [15:0] SRAM_memory [0:(1024*32 - 1)]; // 32K of SRAM



// The ASIC's ca[20] is the active LO chip select for the FLASH.

// The ASIC's ca[18] is the active LO chip select for the SRAM.

// Write process for FLASH and SRAM


always @(posedge cwn) begin

if (ca[20] == 1'b0) begin

// Write to FLASH

if (ca[16:15] != 2'b00) begin

$display ("Illegal write to FLASH!");


else begin

$display ("Write to FLASH Address = %h, Data = %h", ca, cb);

// Our FLASH is only declared up to 32KW, so use ca[14:0]

FLASH_memory[ca[14:0]] = cb;

// Check for magic write from the embedded processor core! This is done in the

// C firmware simply by writing to the location.


if (ca == `MAGIC_ADDRESS) begin

$display ("Embedded code has signalled DONE!");

sa_test_status = `SA_TEST_DONE;

sa_test_result = cb;




else if (ca[18] == 1'b0) begin

// Write to SRAM

if (ca[16:15] != 2'b00) begin

$display ("Illegal write to SRAM!");


else begin

$display ("Write to SRAM Address = %h, Data = %h", ca, cb);

// Our SRAM is only declared up to 32KW, so use ca[14:0]

SRAM_memory[ca[14:0]] = cb;




// Read process for FLASH and SRAM


always @(crn) begin

if (crn == 1'b0) begin

case ({ca[20], ca[18]})

2'b11: cb_i <= 16'hzzzz;

2'b10: begin

$display ("Read from SRAM Address = %h, Data = %h", ca, SRAM_memory[ca[14:0]]);

cb_i <= SRAM_memory[ca[14:0]];


2'b01: begin

$display ("Read from FLASH Address = %h, Data = %h", ca, FLASH_memory[ca[14:0]]);

cb_i <= FLASH_memory[ca[14:0]];


2'b00: begin

$display ("Simultaneosly selecting FLASH and SRAM!!");




else begin

cb_i <= 16'hzzzz;



Clearing the memories is easy:

task clear_SRAM;

reg [15:0] SRAM_address;


$display ("Clearing SRAM..");

for (SRAM_address = 16'h0000; SRAM_address < 16'h8000; SRAM_address = SRAM_address + 1) begin

SRAM_memory[SRAM_address] = 0;




Performing other operations is straight-forward. How about a task

that copies a firmware hex image to a FLASH memories boot area,

relocating along the way and maybe setting a hew header bytes too.

Now, this task is specific to a particular processor, etc. but this

shows what is fairly easily done in Verilog:

task copy_to_FLASH_boot;

reg [15:0] temp_memory[0:1023];

reg [15:0] original_address;

reg [15:0] FLASH_address;

integer n;


$display ("Copying ROM image to FLASH boot block..");

// Read in the normal ROM file into our temporary memory.

for (original_address = 0; original_address < 1024; original_address = original_address + 1) begin

temp_memory[original_address] = 0;


$readmemh (`ROM_FILE, temp_memory);

// Fill in Boot header

FLASH_memory[15'h0800] = `BOOT_COPY_LENGTH; // Let's copy 1KW maximum

FLASH_memory[15'h0801] = 0; // Copy program to code space starting at zero

FLASH_memory[15'h0802] = temp_memory[3]; // Entry point is same as the address in the reset vector

// Now, copy from original image into the boot area.

n = 0;

FLASH_address = 15'h0803;

original_address = 0;

while (n < 1024) begin

FLASH_memory[FLASH_address] = temp_memory[original_address];

FLASH_address = FLASH_address + 1;

original_address = original_address + 1;

n = n + 1;




Also, test vectors are easily loaded into Verilog memories using the

$readmem statements. You may easily read your stimulus vectors

from a file into a memory, clock out the vectors to your circuit, and

optionally capture your circuits response to another memory (or simply

write the vector out using $fdisplay). Once you have captured one

output vector set that you know is good (e.g. your "Golden" vectors),

your testbench can compare subsequent simulation vectors against

these "Golden" vectors and detect any problems in your changing

circuit (e.g. after back-annotation, scan insertion, or alpha space

particle circuit corruption).

5.0 Bus Models

Many times a processor is interfaced to the logic being tested. If the

complete processor model/core is not present, then a "bus model" is

a simple function that emulates the bus transaction. More simply; the

bus model allows the testbench to read and write values. The following

task utilizes very specific timing delays. You should probably include

'defines' for these and update them as you get better timing information.

Typically, you will test your UART or whatever peripheral in isolation

with the bus model, and later test your peripheral with the real processor core.

write_to_foobar (COMPAREH_REGISTER, next_word[31:16]);


write_to_ foobar(COMPAREL _REGISTER, next_word[15:0]);


task write_to_foobar;

input [15:0] address_arg;

input [15:0] data_arg;

// Several global bus signals are assumed: address, we, clk.


/* Wait until next rising clock edge */

@(posedge clk);

/* t_valid for address is 5ns, wait and then drive address */

#5; // <---- Manually back-annotate this, or use a define, whatever...

address = address_arg;

/* t_valid for wrxxx is 8ns, we are already 5ns into cycle, so wait 3ns */


we <= 1'b1;

/* t_valid for wrdata is 20ns, We are 8ns into cycle, wait 12ns */


data <= data_arg;

/* Wait till the next rising edge, wait for a little bit of hold time. */

@(posedge clk40);


address <= 4'hz;


we <= 1'b0;


data <= 16'hzzzz;

//$display ("Writing data %h to address: %h", data, address);



Here's a task that reads from the memory-mapped peripheral.

task read_from_foobar;

input [3:0] address_arg;

// Let's just write to a global with the resulting data retrieved (! bad practice, I know....)

// Gobal variable is 'last_data_read'.


/* Wait until next rising edge to do anything.. */

@(posedge clk)

/* t_valid for rwadrs is 5ns, wait and then drive address */


address = address_arg;

/* t_valid for rbxxx is 8ns, we are already 5ns into cycle, so wait 3ns */


rw <= 1'b1;

/* Wait till the next rising edge, wait for a little bit of hold time. */

@(posedge clk);

last_data_read = data; // <-- keep in the global, caller can use if they wish.

$display ("Reading data %h from address: %h", data, address);

/* Wrap it up. Deassert rw. Let's float the address bus. */

rw <= 1'b0;


address <= 16'hzzzz;



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